There are a few “holy grails” that modern science just can’t seem to crack: cold fusion, time travel, and most importantly, a pill that makes women sexually aroused on command.

We’re no closer to solving the first two, but female Viagra may be on its way. There are several medications currently on the market that promise to boost a women’s libido, and there will undoubtedly be many more to come.

But do any of them actually work? We decided to take a deep dive into the world of women’s arousal boosters to find out.

Key Takeaways

What Medications Currently Exist for Women with Low Desire?

Two new FDA-approved medications that claim to the “female Viagra” have recently hit the market. They’re called Vyleesi and Addyi, respectively, and while they both target low libido in women, they work in very different ways.

Actually, we should say they seem to work in different ways — because the fact is, no one knows why they work. 

It’s believed that Vyleesi targets melanocortin receptors in the brain, but we don’t know why this improves sexual desire. Likewise, Addyi seems to change the brain’s serotonin system, but we don’t know how or why.

The other popular option is Viagra itself, although it’s not currently FDA-approved for use in women. At least we know how it works, though, as it increases blood flow to the genitals. This may or may not cause a boost in desire.

Who Can Benefit from Female Viagra?

First, it’s important to understand the distinction between male Viagra and female Viagra. 

Male Viagra is for men who have sexual desire but cannot get or maintain an erection. Viagra for women, on the other hand, is for women who have low sexual desire overall.

As a result, they’ll target different people. Prescription female arousal boosters are technically designed for sufferers of premenopausal hypoactive sexual desire disorder, which is abnormally low sexual desire in premenopausal women.

The problem with this, of course, is that we don’t have a reliable standard of “normal” sexual desire. It varies from person to person, and can even vary in the same person at different times of their life.

That means that many of the women who want arousal boosters are self-diagnosed (or possibly diagnosed by their frustrated partners). Most fall into one of three categories, though:

How Do These Medications Work?

Regular Viagra is taken about 30 minutes before sex to produce an erection. It works this way because it’s designed to create a physical effect that matches an existing psychological state of arousal.

Vyleesi works much the same way. It’s an injection you take about 45 minutes prior to a planned sexual encounter. While this can certainly spice up special occasions, it does require you to want to “want to” be in the mood, which may defeat the purpose.

Addyi is a tablet that needs to be taken every day to create a mental state in which the woman is more inclined to want sex. It works like antidepressants in that sense. Addyi won’t make a woman aroused on-demand, but it will re-wire her brain to boost her sex drive.

Neither medication works for everyone, though, and they both are likely to only produce modest results. If you’re hoping female Viagra will turn you or your partner into a raging sex machine, you’re likely to be disappointed.

Do These Medications Improve Sex Itself?

Neither Vyleesi nor Addyi will have much effect on any given sexual encounter. However, if they make you more aroused, you may be more lubricated, which can enhance the quality of the encounter.

Beyond that, though, you’re on your own. 

That means that, if your low desire is a result of an unsatisfying sex life, then using an arousal booster is unlikely to do you much good. You’re much better off seeing a marriage counselor or sex therapist (or just going to your local adult toy store).

Scream creams, on the other hand, may improve sex itself — at least, they may make it easier for you to orgasm. Of course, there’s more to sex than just climaxing, but if you’re not reaching the big “O” regularly, a scream cream may help you get there more reliably.

Read more about Best female libido enhances

Are There Any Side Effects?

Just about any medication can cause side effects — and those that affect brain chemistry can be notoriously tricky.

Addyi seems to have fewer side effects than Vyleesi, but you may still notice things like:

Vyleesi, on the other hand, has more side effects because it’s an injection rather than a pill. It’s been known to cause:

Scream creams are less likely to cause side effects of any kind, and the ones they do cause are usually irritation or tingling at the application site.

What Are the Biggest Limitations of Female Arousal Boosters?

The biggest issue with a libido booster is the fact that libidos are very complex things.

If the cause of your low libido is easily identifiable, like from a new medication or life event, then it may be easier to address the problem rather than try to make a sweeping change to your brain chemistry.

Likewise, if there are issues in your relationship that are causing the low libido, you’re probably better off fixing those than taking drugs. No amount of libido-boosting medication will help if you resent your partner, aren’t attracted to them, or find them boring in the sack.

A major cause of low libido in women is how they view themselves, and again, Viagra can’t help with that. It won’t help you lose weight or feel better about who you see in the mirror; again, therapy is probably a better option than medication in those cases.

Sometimes low sex drive can be caused by an underlying medical condition as well. You should probably ask your doctor for a complete check-up if you’re planning on asking them to prescribe Vyleesi or Addyi.

It’s only when all these causes have been addressed that you should start to look at female Viagra as a viable solution. As you might expect, that eliminates a great many potential customers right off the bat.

How Can I Get These Medications?

Vyleesi, Addyi, and most scream creams are prescription-only. You’ll need to talk to your doctor about them.

Many doctors are hesitant to prescribe them, however. Your physician may prefer to rule out other issues using some of the methods outlined above before writing you a prescription for female Viagra.

If you’d rather skip all that and just get the medication, though, the companies themselves can hook you up with a licensed physician willing to prescribe them to qualified candidates. 

This may also save you some embarrassment, as you won’t have to discuss your sex life in detail with your personal doctor.

Who Should Avoid These Medications?

These medications may interact with other drugs you’re taking, so be sure your doctor knows everything you take on a regular basis (including herbal pills and supplements).

Addyi can react poorly with alcohol, so heavy drinkers may want to find a different solution. Also, it’s not approved for use on post-menopausal women

Other than that, the only issue you should worry about is if your low libido is due to an undiagnosed medical issue. Many serious conditions cause a drop in sexual desire, so you want to rule out anything more serious before you start taking a libido booster.

How Much Do They Cost, and Are Any of These Medications Covered by Insurance?

Whether or not they’re covered by insurance will depend on your particular insurance, but at least some companies will pay for them.

Assuming you have such an insurance, Vyleesi is free for your initial prescription. It then costs $99 per refill of four single-use injectors.

Addyi will cost you $20 per month with insurance. They’ll work with you if you’re not covered as well in order to find a price you’re comfortable with.

Scream creams will vary depending on which on you use, but generally speaking, you should expect to pay somewhere in the vicinity of $40 per month.

Is Female Viagra Right for You?

If you’ve been suffering from low sexual desire and you can’t figure out why, “female Viagras” like Vyleesi, Addyi, or scream creams may be able to help.

They’re not for everyone, as there are a variety of factors that could cause a lack of desire, and not all of them can be treated with medication. If you’re one of the women who can benefit from them, though, they can potentially revitalize your sex life.

These medications all require a prescription, so talk to your doctor about whether any of them are right for you. After all, isn’t your love life worth it?

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